Mission and Vision

The North Schuylkill Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

    Our mission is to provide our students with opportunities designed to meet individual needs and to ensure that every child has experiences that promote growth and excellence in all academic and social development areas. Through mutual respect, our students will grow and learn in a positive atmosphere, where faculty, staff, parents and students together are enthusiastic about the learning process.


To achieve our mission, we will develop our capacity to function as a professional learning community, wherein well-researched, best practices are in place and/or explored.

Shared Values

  • Unite to achieve a common purpose with clear goals;
  • Work together;
  • Seek and implement promising strategies for improving student achievement on a continuing basis;
  • Monitor each student’s progress;
  • Demonstrate a personal commitment to the academic success and general well-being of all students;
  • Embrace technology for both learning today and preparing for future.